Editor's Desk

Looking Back at 2016

Editor's Desk

Photo by Jean Paul Molyneux

Last year got a pretty bad rap. In 2016, we had a controversial, divisive political campaign; violent events and conflicts around the nation and the world; natural disasters and health crises; and even an apparent mortality epidemic among beloved celebrities. It was enough to lead many to declare 2016 The Worst Year Ever.

But big headlines about things going wrong can often make us forget all the things that go right every day. That’s why, as we look back at 2016 at Cal Poly, we want to take a moment to celebrate some impressive stories and encouraging statistics. You’ll find many of those stories compiled in our Year in Review feature — something that I hope we can give you at the start of each new year going forward.

As you look at what happened at Cal Poly over the past year, it’s hard to miss the story of a campus growing, a body of people accomplishing great things, and a community rallying behind a thriving institution.

Honestly, it makes me feel very proud and grateful to be a part of this university. I hope it reminds you that no matter what happened around the world in 2016, you are a part of a community that thrives on overcoming challenges and forging a better future.

Welcome to 2017.


Larry Peña

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